Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Phone: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


Aalto – Architect and Artist

From Nov 18th 2022

Visit the new, permanent exhibition about Alvar Aalto – internationally renowned architect, designer and artist.

The Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) was also an artist. In his view, architecture, design and art were inextricably linked. He belonged to an extensive artistic community of architects, artists, craftsmen and poets who, like him, sought to inspire people to lead a more natural life.  

This is crystal clear in the Kunsten museum building (1969-1972), which he designed together with his wife Elissa Aalto and architect Jean-Jacques Barüel. With his use of materials, daylight and the relationship of the building to the landscape, he invited the outside world in, while creating spaces for people to gather outside in nature.

On the occasion of Kunsten’s 50th anniversary, we are opening a new permanent exhibition dedicated to his work. It will provide insight into his artistic intention, presenting a number of his furniture and architectural works.


Discover Aalto’s organic approach

Aalto has a reputation as the architect who liberated modern architecture from its sharp corners and edges. However, Aalto’s fondness for organic forms and materials extends much further than personal taste or some superficial idiom.

His organic universe was all about creating spaces and environments that remind us of who we are. The colours and materials of his furniture and surfaces touch our senses, connecting us to the landscape and our innermost nature.

In all his countless gesamtkunstwerks – total masterpieces, in which building, furniture, lamps and utility items form an entity – he sought to humanise modern architecture on the basis of an unorthodox approach to form and building technology.

Discover Aalto’s main architectural works, world-renowned furniture and glassware, exhibited alongside sources of inspiration and modern works of art from Kunsten’s collection. This exhibition provides us with a more in-depth understanding of Aalto’s artistic intention, helping us rediscover the architecture of Kunsten as one of the most important works in the museum’s collection.

With support from