Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Tlf: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


International Torsdag

Kunsten inviterer det internationale publikum på museet.

Er du international studerende, eller er du på en arbejdsplads med mange internationale ansatte, så er International Torsdag en oplagt mulighed for at tage en tur på Kunsten. International Torsdag finder sted den første torsdag i måneden, i februar, marts og april, hvor museet har åben til kl. 21. 

Kl. 17 starter en gratis guidet tur rundt i udstillingen. Den guidede tur varer ca. en time og foregår på engelsk. De tre torsdage vil der være forskellige temaer. 



Almindelige entrépriser.

Spring 2016 


February 4th, 5 pm: Take a dive into Kunsten

We will take a closer look at the history of the museum and investigate the architecture of the Finnish architect Alvar Aaltos magnificent marble building that contains art from the late 1800s until today.


March 3rd, 5 pm: Blood traces and modern miniature painting

Learn more about the Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi’s amazing artistic universe that offers large-scale installations and miniature paintings. Here, the meeting between traditions, renewal and post 9/11 plays an important role.

April 7th 5 pm: Women in Kunsten's collection

Do you recognize if a work of art is made by a woman? In search of women in Kunsten’s collection, we will take a look on the new exhibitions. We go across time and look closely at the woman – both as a motif and not least as artists.


4. feb 2016, 17:00 til 21:00
3. mar 2016, 17:00 til 21:00
7. apr 2016, 17:00 til 21:00