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Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Tlf: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


What’s the Role of Major Cultural Institutions in the 21st Century? –

BEMÆRK: Paneldebatten foregår på engelsk. Derfor engelsk beskrivelse herunder.


The fifth edition of takes its departure in the major cultural institutions concert halls, theaters and museums. In the panel, we are joined by Louise Herron, CEO at one of the most recognizable cultural beacons and architectural landmarks in modern history – the Sydney Opera House. Jørn Utzon's iconic building stands as an integrated part of modern Australia and defines a continent. With point of departure in this story, we want to debate the role of major cultural institutions in the 21st century when developing cities and society? Do we still need iconic architectural landmarks and how well are they coming of age? How well do the major cultural institutions respond to the challenges of the 21st century? Are they destined to be relics of a soon-to-be forgotten realm in a post COVID-19 future?


As always the talk will start off with an artistic performance, studio visit or musical performance. This time we are pleased to welcome gifted musician and sound researcher Kh Marie.


The talk will be livestreamed on this page at and Kunsten's Facebook page.


Artist/musician: Kh Marie

Guest: Poul Erik Tøjner (Director at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art), Louise Herron (CEO of Sydney Opera House) and Kasper Holten (Director at The Royal Danish Theatre)

2021 dgct #5 livestream er støttet af Spar Nord Fonden, Region Nordjylland, Augustinus Fonden og Louis-Hansen Fonden