Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Phone: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


Introductory Course in Artistic Drawing

Next time: 
Apr 3rd 2025, 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Learn the basics of drawing. Our drawing course consists of five sessions with artist Inge Tranter, who guides you through everything from contour lines, light and shadow to portrait drawing and composition.

Would you like to get better at drawing? Or get a push to draw your first line?


In our drawing course, you'll be introduced to the basic elements of drawing in five different workshops. Your teacher is artist Inge Tranter, and she will guide you in:


Line, shape and contour - and hand-eye coordination
Light, shadow and tonal values
Perspective and proportion
Portrait drawing basics
Composition: The golden ratio, focal points and more

Throughout, Inge focuses on inspiring you with creative ways to unfold and play with your new skills.


Whether you're a beginner or well into drawing, you'll discover new techniques and develop your skills with Inge.


We provide all the necessary materials - you just need to bring your curiosity and desire to explore the art of drawing.


Workshops are held between March and June, and each session focuses on a different theme where you will immerse yourself in the basic elements of drawing.

Read the full course program further down the page.



Visual artist Inge Tranter will be your teacher on the

artistic basic course in drawing.


You are always welcome to buy drinks or snacks in the Brasserie and enjoy them in the workshop while we learn, explore and test. If you plan to end one or more of the evenings with dinner in Brasserie Kunsten, we recommend that you book a table in advance.

Praktisk information

Course Price (per person for all five sessions)
If you are a member of Kunsten: DKK 600 (also applies if you accompany a member of Kunsten or have a free ticket for each session)
Without Kunsten membership: DKK 1900
Students without Kunsten membership: DKK 1100

Remember that you need to show your membership card or pay the entrance fee at each session.


Your regular ticket or student ticket grants access to the museum from 10:00 AM. We recommend arriving early to explore our exhibitions.


Kunsten membership allows free entrance to the museum all year round and the lowest price for event tickets—this often applies to both the member and a guest.


Other Practical Information

  • The workshop is aimed at beginners and intermediate-level drawers.
  • All materials are included in the price, but feel free to bring your own materials if you have some experiments in mind. You will keep the works you create during the course.
  • Please wear practical clothing that can get dirty.
  • We always start in Kunst-lab on the lower level.
  • Beer, wine, water, cake, and snacks can be purchased at the Brasserie and are welcome in Kunst-lab.
  • Ticket purchases are only refundable in the event of cancellation of the course.

Course Program

March 13: Introduction to Line, Shape, and Contour
Goal: Learn to observe and draw basic shapes and contour lines – and develop hand-eye coordination.


Warm-up Exercise: Blind drawing – abandon perfectionism and strengthen your observational skills.


Lesson Content:
- Introduction to line quality and mark-making (thick, thin, broken, continuous).
- Identifying and drawing basic shapes and contours.
- Using lines to suggest form and movement.


- Draw simple objects (e.g. fruit, flowers, everyday items) with a focus on contours.

- Experiment with different line thicknesses and line qualities.


April 3: Light, Shadow, and Tones
Goal: Understand the value of light and create depth using different shading techniques.


Warm-up Exercise: Practice a tone scale with a pencil.


Lesson Content:
- Introduction to light sources, shadows, highlights, and midtones.
- Shading techniques: Hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, and blending.
- How to observe and depict form through light and shadow.


- Draw simple shapes (sphere, cylinder, cube) with a light source and apply shading.


May 1: Perspective and Proportions

Goal: Learn the basic principles of one-point and two-point perspective and understand proportions in drawing.


Warm-up Exercise: Gesture drawing to loosen up and promote quick observation.


Lesson Content:
-  Introduction to vanishing points, horizon lines, and basic one-point and two-point perspective.
- Techniques for measuring proportions, including using a pencil.
- Apply perspective to draw simple surroundings.


- Practice drawing cubes in one-point and two-point perspective.
- Draw a simple scene in perspective, including foreground, middle ground, and background.


May 15: Basic Portrait Drawing
Goal: Learn the basic proportions of the face and create likeness in portraiture.


Warm-up Exercise: Quick sketches of facial features (e.g. eyes, nose, mouth) from different angles.


Lesson Content:
- Basic proportions and structure of the face: placement of eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
- Understanding the planes of the face and how to create depth through shading.
- Tips for capturing likeness and expression.


- Step-by-step portrait drawing from a reference (start with basic shapes and add details).
- Practice drawing individual facial features and shading them to create form.


June 5: Composition – The Golden Mean and More
Goal: Use the skills learned to create a balanced and dynamic composition.


Warm-up Exercise: Small sketches to explore compositions.


Lesson Content:
- Basics of composition: The Golden Mean, focal points, leading lines, and balance.
- Review and apply previous techniques (line, shadow, perspective).
- Developing a complete, refined drawing.


- Plan and create a final drawing based on a simple composition (e.g. a small still life or landscape).
- Experiment with different composition setups before choosing the final one.


Conclusion: Review and feedback on final works, with a discussion of individual strengths and areas for development.


Mar 13th 2025, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Apr 3rd 2025, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
May 1st 2025, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
May 15th 2025, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Jun 5th 2025, 5:00pm to 7:00pm

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