Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Phone: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926



Apr 12th 2025 to Oct 19th 2025

Discover masterpieces from Louisiana – works by international contemporary artists who shape, influence and shift reality as we know it.

Art is not just about objects or phenomena. Art also represents something – even when it does not depict something we can recognise.

The exhibition (Un)real features interpretations by various artists of reality and of the notions we form in our encounter with works of art and reality.

The fulcrum of the exhibition comprises Ai Weiwei’s gigantic trees rising from the marble floor. The bare trees are not just trees. They are fragments of numerous dead camphor trees gathered in southern China and combined to create a new reality. Maybe it is a critical representation of how a multitude of individual parts are forced together and subjected to a system that attempts to look natural, but is actually a huge, controlled illusion. An unreal reality.


Or the German artist Gerhard Richter, whose work Strip reveals to us that an image is not merely an image; its nature is not static. If you get really close to his 10-metre-long strips, they flicker: in a moment you lose any sense of overview. But if you keep your distance, as we do when we need to understand something, that does not work either: all the details merge. You cannot actually see the picture – and that is what is all about. Really unreal.

Artists in the exhibition

Marilyn Minter (b. 1948), Ann Lislegaard (b. 1962), Ai Weiwei (b. 1957), Gerhard Richter (b. 1932), Andreas Gursky (b. 1955), Bunny Rogers (b. 1990), Wolfgang Tillmans (b. 1968), Michel Majerus (1967-2002), Thomas Struth (b. 1954), Pamela Rosenkranz (b. 1979), Eliott Hundley (b. 1975), Calvin Marcus (b. 1988), Tacita Dean (b. 1965), Ugo Rondinone (b. 1964) and Yayoi Kusama (b. 1929).

Kunsten x Louisiana

The works in the exhibition are on loan from the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art’s collection and are jointly curated by Louisiana and Kunsten. The exhibition is the result of a multi-year collaboration between Kunsten and Louisiana, which since 2020 has explored the possibilities of national museum partnerships through collection exchanges and joint projects—with the aim of creating a broader platform for art experiences in Denmark.

In collaboration with





With support from












Selected artworks


Elliott Hundley, A Cairn at Cynossema, 2009. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. Erhvervet med midler fra Augustinus Fonden. © Elliott Hundley / VISDA



Marilyn Minter, Green Pink Caviar, 2009. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. © Marilyn Minter / VISDA



Gerhard Richter, Strip, 2013. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. © Gerhard Richter / VISDA



Andreas Gursky, Katar, 2012. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. Erhvervet med støtte fra Ny Carlsbergfondet og Museumsfonden af 7. december 1966. © Andreas Gursky / Courtesy Sprüth Magers / VISDA