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Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Tlf: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


New Culture Industries in a Time of Change –

Kultur og kunst i en Corona-tid. Kunsten og er værter ved en række online debatter med danske og internationale kulturpersonligheder.

BEMÆRK: Paneldebatten foregår på engelsk. Derfor engelsk beskrivelse herunder.

How can the intersection between art, culture and corporate business thinking create new solutions, new business models and new ways of inventing in the creative industries? What is the potential of online cultural spaces as opposed to analogue? What are the main drivers for developing new creative and culture-based business models?

Simon Kvamm will be performing a live act before the talk.


Participants: Nikolaj Nyholm (Founder & Chairman at Astralis Group), Simon Kvamm (musician) and Janne Villadsen, Development & Communications Director, Heartland Festival.
Host: Lasse Andersson, Director, Kunsten and Utzon Center.


The participants

Nikolaj Nyholm is the founder & chairman at Astralis Group (Astralis, Origen, Future FC). He has founded four technology startups that have pioneered different domains, is an advisor to Minecraft creator Mojang, as a partner at the venture capital investor, Sunstone Capital, and is currently the founder and CEO at Astralis Group, an operator of professional esports teams such as Astralis and Origen.


Simon Kvamm (born 18 February 1975 in Silkeborg) is a Danish singer and entertainer. He is known as frontman and songwriter in the bands Hugorm, De Eneste To and Nephew and also for his work as actor and comedian.


Janne Villadsen is a culture concept developer, entrepreneur, writer, editor and consultant based in Copenhagen. Currently working as Development & Communications Director for the Danish culture event, Heartland, as well as being partner in an online art exhibition start-up. She is also a board member in the Danish Culture-Business organisation, KulturERhverv and Copenhagen Photo Festival.

danish global culture talks stream #4

Kunsten i Aalborg og NordicLA indleder – i samarbejde med nogle af verdens førende kulturpersonligheder – en debat om kulturens betydning for samfundets sammenhængskraft.