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Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Tlf: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


What Happens Online? –

Kultur og kunst i en Corona-tid. Kunsten og er værter ved en række online debatter med danske og internationale kulturpersonligheder.

BEMÆRK: Paneldebatten foregår på engelsk. Derfor engelsk beskrivelse herunder.


The Internet is crowded by Cultural institutions, art museums, concert halls, artist, musicians and many more creating new content online. What can we learn, what is the quality, are there new formats, new trends and new ways of working in the cultural sector? Each participant will share their favorite artists who using this situation to work with new formats and enrich our lives in new ways. 


Music performance before talk by Kwamie Liv.


Participants: Troy Conrad Therrien, curator Architecture and digital initiatives The Guggenheim Museum, Marc-Christoph Wagner, editor Louisiana Channel, Christiane Vejlø, Futurist and digital analyst Elektronista Media,

Host: Kristian Riis 


The participants

Troy Conrad Therrien (born 1981) is a New York museum curator and architecture adjunct. Since 2014, Therrien has been the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's Head Curator of Architecture and Digital Initiatives.


Marc-Christoph Wagner was born in West Berlin in 1970. He is cand.scient.pol from Aarhus University and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin specialized in political idea history. He has reported from Northern Europe for many years for German radio and tv, ARD. Since 2012 he has lead Louisiana Channel. He is furthermore chairman of the German-Danish Sankt Petri School in Copenhagen.


Christiane Vejlø (1973) is the director of Elektroniska Media ApS and one of Denmark's leading experts within digital transformation and the relationship between technology and people.


With over 25 million streams and counting, elusive Danish artist, Kwamie Liv is fast proving herself to be an extraordinary voice in music today -- a voice imbued with experience having lived between Denmark, Zambia, Turkey, Sweden, South Africa, Kenya, Ireland and Bangladesh.


Kristian Riis has been an Entrepreneur for 25 years and has been director of Music Export Denmark (MXD), Bremen Theater and FROST Festival, among others. He is also co-founder of the cultural company Volcano, co-founder of the data company Backscatter, Entreprenerdy Denmark, the ticket company Tikko Denmark and the idea person behind the incubator course Royalties for talented music industry people. Kristian Riis is also a founding member and guitarist in the band Nephew. er støttet af Spar Nord Fonden, Region Nordjylland, Augustinus Fonden og Louis-Hansen Fonden


Kunsten i Aalborg og NordicLA indleder – i samarbejde med nogle af verdens førende kulturpersonligheder – en debat om kulturens betydning for samfundets sammenhængskraft.