Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Phone: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926

Just closed

Esben Weile Kjær – Solar System

Oct 10th 2024 to Mar 16th 2025

A stunning, dystopian total installation. See the first major museum exhibition devoted to the work of the prominent, up-and-coming Danish contemporary artist, Esben Weile Kjær.

Esben Weile Kjær’s artistic universe is crazy, colourful, loud and attractive.
But don’t be deluded by all the music and the shiny sculptures with their smoothly polished materials. Esben Weile Kjær’s work is far more than merely attractive.
His works blend popular culture and kitsch with current societal issues such as gender, psychology, technology and climate. The highly topical exhibition Solar System paves the way for reflection on the collapse of societies and social ideologies in both the past and the future.
Brand new works and a synthetic staging will create a frightening, yet beautiful dystopia featuring sinister creatures and traces of a bygone era. The exhibition is a wonderful mix of archaeology, futurism and raw glam.
Solar System expresses a collapse of the world we know today as a result of wars and climate crisis. However, amongst all the rawness and destruction, there is hope for the future: in the wake of the collapse, something new – maybe even beautiful – will emerge.


About the artist

Esben Weile Kjær (b. 1992) graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2022. Even at this early stage of his career, he has made a name for himself on the Danish art scene and an international career is just around the corner..
He has already presented his performances at renowned cultural institutions: for example, the Pompidou Centre (Paris), Mumok (Vienna), Museum Tinguely (Basel) and a large number of Danish institutions. His solo exhibitions at Copenhagen Contemporary and Gl. Strand in Copenhagen, and his curation of the collection-based exhibition BUTTERFLY! at Arken Museum of Contemporary Art proved how his captivating, powerful total installations can conquer large spaces. 


Photograph (top): Nadine Fraczkowski. Esben Weile Kjær press photo.


Photo: Nadine Fraczkowski. Esben Weile Kjær pressefoto


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