Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kong Christians Allé 50
9000 Aalborg

Phone: +45 99 82 41 00
CVR: 47 21 82 68


Danske Bank

Regnr.: 4368 Kontonr.: 13534926


Offspring – Pierre Huyghe

May 25th 2022 to Oct 30th 2022

Pierre Huyghe (b. 1962) is one of the most important contemporary artists of our time. His works blur the boundaries between the living and inanimate, fiction and reality, nature, humans and technology.

In Huyghe’s contingent universe, diverse intelligent life forms – biotic and abiotic – evolving indeterminately, produces continuous changes in their environments. The works are dynamic and modify over time, often exceeding the artist's control.


For Huyghe the exhibition is not merely a site for viewer experience, but rather an encounter with an immersive, sentient milieu, that perceives, generates new possibilities of alliances between events or things that unfold, indifferent to human presence.


The exhibition Offspring juxtaposes six key works using, among others, sensors which capture sound, light and movement. Each work perceives and influences each other, as well as the exhibition rhythm, flow and the way it manifests.


Offspring offers visitors the opportunity to see Zoodram 2, 2010/2021 – a living aquarium created for and newly-acquired by Kunsten. Although famed for his aquariums, Huyghe has nevertheless created only a few. This unique acquisition was made possible by a generous donation from the New Carlsberg Foundation. Other works featured in the exhibition are on loan from two major French collections, Fondation Louis Vuitton and the Pinault Collection, as well as Marian Goodman Gallery, and the Pierre Huyghe studio.


Pierre Huyghe was born in Paris. He lives and works in New York. He has exhibited in numerous solo shows throughout the world, such as MoMA (New York), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), LACMA (Los Angeles), the Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Tate Modern (London), the Ludwig Museum (Cologne).



Pierre Huyghe, De-Extinction, 2014
Film, color, stereo sound. 12 min. 38 sec.
Courtesy of the artist; Marian Goodman Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Hauser and Wirth Gallery, London; Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
© Pierre Huyghe

As part of the work Mating, performances took place at selected times during May and June. Unfortunately, there will be no more performances throughout the remaining exhibition period.

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"Chief poet of contemporary art Pierre Huyghe is in Aalborg at a museum that wants to play along"


Pierre Huyghe – Louisiana Channel

“I’m interested in contingency. Of what is not predictable. Of what is unknown. I think that has somehow been a core of the work.” – Meet one of France’s most critically acclaimed contemporary artists, Pierre Huyghe, whose works move in the field between milieu, simulation, and video. One of Kunsten's most recent acquisitions, ‘Zoodram 2’, is a part of the interview.


2022 Pierre Huyghe Louisiana Channel

With support from








Lektor Peer Rander Amundsens Legat