Discover intimately captivating, poetic, humorous and confrontational works by the likes of Ana Mendieta, Francisca Woodman, Birgit Jürgenssen and Cindy Sherman.
The exhibition features a range of works by leading artists, all of who in different ways use photography or video as a form of expression.
Several of the works document a number of actions that have taken place. Often, the artists’ own personal and bodily experiences form the basis for the works featured in the exhibition. The works include Ana Mendieta’s Untitled (Facial Hair Transplant) (1972), in which she glued her friend’s beard onto her own face.
In their works, the artists tackle themes such as identity, belonging, gender, body, race, social constructs and power. They challenge and renegotiate the dominant positions and perspectives that characterise our society and the world around us.
The exhibition borrows its title from a quote by one of the exhibition’s artists, Francesca Woodman (USA) (1958-1981) who regarded photography – her favourite medium – as “places for the viewer to dream in”.
More than places just to dream in, the works in the exhibition present new perspectives and call for action, confrontation, transformation and reflection. The artists introduce us to windows of opportunity, where we can dream and rethink our own position and place in the world.
Francesca Woodman (1958-1981), Ana Mendieta (1948-1985), Ulay (1943-2020), Pia Arke (1958-2007), Carrie Mae Weems (b. 1953), Birgit Jürgenssen (1949-2003), Cindy Sherman (b. 1954), Kirsten Justesen (b. 1943), Marina Abramović (b. 1946), Anna Blume (1936-2020) & Bernhard Blume (1937-2011), Elina Brotherus (b. 1972), Nan Goldin (b. 1953).
The exhibition is based on works from Kunsten’s own collection as well as works on loan from the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition is the result of a multi-year collaboration between Kunsten and Louisiana, which since 2020 has explored the possibilities of national museum partnerships through collection exchanges and joint projects—with the aim of creating a broader platform for art experiences in Denmark.
Ana Mendieta, Untitled (Facial Hair Transplants), 1972(1997). Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. Erhvervet med midler fra Museumsfonden af 7. december 1966
© 2021 The Estate of Ana Mendieta Collection. LLC. Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co. / VISDA
Francesca Woodman, Self-deceit #1, Rome, Italy, 1978. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. Erhvervet med midler fra Augustinus Fonden. © Woodman Family Foundation / VISDA
Pia Arke, Uden titel (De tre gratier collage), 1994. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. © Pia Arke / VISDA
Birgit Jürgenssen, Ich möchte hier raus!, 1976/2006. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. Donation: Estate Birgit Jürgenssen. © Estate Birgit Jürgensen / VISDA
Kirsten Justesen, Rygskriver, 1985. Kunsten Museum of Modern Art. © Kirsten Justesen / VISDA
Cindy Sherman, Untitled #132, 1984. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk. Erhvervet med midler fra Augustinus Fonden. © Cindy Sherman / VISDA